None of us should rely on the routine medical examinations and tests that can help as discover different diseases including cancer. It’s very important that we pay attention to any symptom that is unexplainable, odd or different. There are more than 200 types of cancer. The most common types include: lung, prostate, breast, ovarian, bladder, colorectal, kidney (renal), pancreatic, and endometrial cancers as well as melanoma and leukemia.
The survival rate for most of these cancers, especially lung cancer, is often quite poor because more often than not, they are not diagnosed until they are already in an advanced stage, making them harder to treat. Recognizing these signs that cancer maybe growing in your body can be vital to catching it early and saving your life. Here’s 16 Early Warning Signs of Cancer Most People Ignore:
1.Chest Pain or Chronic Cough, Shortness of Breath or Wheezing
Bad coughs as well as bronchitis can signify that you may have some type of cancer including lung tumors and leukemia. Many people who suffer from lung cancer report chest pain which is known to extend down the arm and up into the shoulders. One of the first symptoms of lung cancer is the inability to catch a breath.
2.Swollen, Sore or Red Breasts
Any changes in your breasts should be definitely a signal for you to visit your doctor, because they can signify breast cancer.
3.Lumps on the Underarm, Neck or Groin or Swollen Lymph Nodes
Modifications in the lymphatic system can also be a sign of cancer.
4.Abdominal or Pelvic Pain, Blood in Stool and Rectal Bleeding, Abdominal Weight Gain or Bloating
Pain and cramps in the abdomen, or the pelvis can often be a sign of ovarian cancer, but abdominal pain can also be a sign of leukemia. These are also common symptoms of colorectal cancer. If you notice blood in your stool, visit the doctor immediately! Many women who suffer from ovarian cancer have reported abdominal bloating for a long period of time as their first symptom that something is wrong.
5.Skin changes
If a mole or two is changing shape/color/size, it’s time to see your doctor immediately.
Stress, alcohol, and too much food can all cause heartburn. Try changing your diet for a couple weeks and see if it goes away, but if it doesn’t, you may have stomach, esophageal, or ovarian cancer.
7.Weakness or fatigue
Many people are exhausted from leading hectic lives, but tiredness that simply doesn’t go away? That isn’t healthy, particularly if it’s combined with any of the other symptoms on this list.
8.Mouth changes
If you smoke, be careful about the white spots in your mouth or on your lips as both are a sign of oral cancer.
9.Heavy bleeding or bleeding between periods
Many people report this as the first indicator of uterine or endometrial cancer. Visit a doctor for a transvaginal ultrasound.
10.Pain, particularly in the back
Everyone has aches and pains, which is why this is so often overlooked. Ongoing pain can signal brain, bone, liver, breast, and many other cancers. Check with your doctor if any unexplained pains have lasted over a month.
11.Changes in the nails
Unexplained changes in toenails or fingernails can indicate many different kinds of cancer. Try to notice some color changes such as white or pale beds or a brown/black streak or dot under the nail. Clubbing, enlargement of the ends of the fingers with nails that curve over the tips, is a sign of lung cancer.
12.Abdominal pain accompanied by depression
This sign is very rare and often overlooked. Unexplained belly pain with depression can mean pancreatic cancer. Only if your family has a history of the disease or you are a heavy drinker, then you should get in to a doctor straight away. Otherwise, if the pain doesn’t go away in a couple weeks, it would be a good idea to see a doctor anyway.
13.Frequent infections or fever
High temperature that can’t be explained and just doesn’t go away can mean leukemia or another blood cancer, share your concerns with your doctor immediately.
Smelly or foul vaginal discharge can be a symptom of cervical cancer. The discharge may occur between periods or after menopause and sometimes will have blood in it. It’s best not to self-treat discharge changes with over-the-counter medications and visit your doctor. It could be an infection and most of those can’t be treated with over-the-counter stuff anyway.
15.Weight loss without trying
Nearly everyone wishes their extra pounds would just fall off, but losing more than ten pounds without any changes in your diet or exercise habits can indicate a big problem. Most unintended weight loss isn’t cancer, it can be the thyroid, for example, but it may also be stomach, lung, or pancreatic cancer. It would be best to be careful.
Jaundice is characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Though it is mostly considered a symptom of liver or gallbladder disease, it can also be caused by pancreatic cancer interfering with the bile duct and liver.
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