Fat Flush Water Recipe
Refreshing fat flush water is actually just plain water enriched with herbs that effectively remove fat from the body. Besides melting pounds, this drink also positively affects digestion and reduces bloating. This recipe is full of ingredients that flushes toxins out of your body and turn fat into fuel. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or you simply want to look and feel healthier. If you’re drinking it every day, you are certainly going to feel better because you will be constantly releasing toxins that can make you feel sluggish and sick. Have you ever thought about using water to flush fat? As simple as it may sound, water could be the answer to your fat storage problems.
- 8 cups water
- 1 teaspoon grated ginger root
- 1 fresh cucumber , peeled and cut into thin slices
- 1 lemon, also cut into slices
- 12 mint leaves
Steps of preparation:
- Put all ingredients in water and leave the mixture stay overnight to release some aroma.
- Drink this water during the next day.
Nutritionist Cynthia claims that regular consumption of this refreshing beverage along with moderate physical activity will give you nice flat stomach in a short period of time.
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