The healing properties of ginger are extremely useful and are much better than some advanced pharmaceutical inventions. It is commonly consumed in small doses all across the world – you may add it to your dish or you can either find it in some drinks. Similar to its cousin spice, turmeric, which has a strong anti-cancer effect, ginger is largely known for its incredible ability to shrink tumors.
A study at the Georgia State which involved laboratory mice found that that whole ginger extract can actually shrink prostate tumor size by an astonishing 56% in mice.
The anti- cancer properties of this miraculous root came to the subject due to its amazing power in reducing inflammation, and its high content of life-enhancing antioxidants.
Namely, research shows that this fantastic spice can really surpass the advanced pharmaceutical solutions that doctors often consider as the ‘only option’ for patients diagnosed with cancer.
Although these drugs are the only scientifically proven solution according to mainstream health officials, it seems that they do not treat the issue, and even worsen the condition.These drugs used in cancer treatments were found to be ineffective at permanently shrinking tumors – which is supposed to be their main purpose. In contrast, they actually make tumors grow larger and are even believed to accelerate the death of patients diagnosed with cancer.
Furthermore, the research conducted on the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston explained that the premium priced cancer drugs are a ‘little’ worse than death sentences for the majority of cancer patients.
The study author, Dr. Raghu Kalluri stated that “Whatever manipulations we’re doing to tumors can inadvertently do something to increase the tumor numbers to become more metastatic, which is what kills patients at the end of the day.”
In other words, scientists suggest that these drugs may be responsible for the ‘metastasis,’ meaning the tumors come back bigger and stronger than they originally were, and this process becomes even more aggressive than it used to be.
On the other hand, studies have shown that ginger is even more effective than all these drugs used in the cancer therapies, as the whole ginger extract has shown to be able to shrink tumors significantly. It actually helped patients diagnosed with prostate cancer avoid death.
There is strong evidence stating that ginger has a positive impact on more than 101 diseases, and there are 17 other studies that also gave the same results regarding ginger’s anti-cancer benefits. Moreover, it has no side-effects and people have been used it since ancient times.
Supports Digestion
The herb ginger has been traditionally used as a natural remedy to heal digestive disturbances. The gut contains serotonin receptors that can be stimulated to provide digestive relief to the gastrointestinal tract. Ginger is one of nine agents known to exhibit this effect. This results in reduced gut inflammation and improve nutrient absorption.
Ginger also is classified as a carminative herb that reduces intestinal gas as well as a spasmolytic agent that soothes the intestinal tract while provoking gut motility. It is known to many moms to aid in feelings of “morning sickness” because it reduces nausea, alleviates motion sickness, and reduces fever. It also stimulates bile production making it a useful agent in fat digestion.
Relieves Pain
The components in ginger make it an important food to suppress inflammation and support natural pain relief processes. 6-Gingerol is a compound that has been significantly shown to inhibit the generation of nitric acid, a highly reactive nitrogen molecule that is quickly converted into a dangerous free radical known as peroxynitrite.
Ginger is also an excellent tool to defend the body’s storage supplies of glutathione. Glutathione is a powerhouse antioxidant that destroys free radicals. As a result of its relationship with glutathione and nitric oxide, ginger provides protection for the nervous system and the brain against degenerative stress.
The potassium content of ginger provides detoxification support and promotes electric energy production. Manganese in ginger protects the lining of the heart’s blood vessels as well as the urinary tract. The silicon content in ginger provides benefits to nails, skin, hair and teeth. It further helps calcium assimilate into the body while reducing inflammation in the bone tissue and encouraging strong bone and teeth development.
Functional Uses
Ginger is recommended to individuals for regular consumption and use to support the healthy detoxification of the liver and aid in digestive function. It can be ground onto salads, meats or stews, juiced in green juice or smoothies, and brewed in hot teas. Powdered, dry ginger also can be found, and although it is pungent in taste, using it mildly will provide you will the superfood health benefits.
Ginger stimulates digestive secretions such as bile from the gall bladder and liver as well as hydrochloric acid from the stomach. For this reason, it is a useful ingredient to add to your largest meal of the day. You can find pickled ginger in prepackaged sushi packs from grocery stores.
Therapeutic Cancer Treatment Properties
In addition to chemotherapy, radiotherapy is a cancer treatment method used to destroy cancer cells using ionizing radiation. Unfortunately, the primary use of radiotherapy to treat cancer cells is also toxic to normal tissue and healthy cells.
For this reason, natural compounds can be used to protect non-tumor cells against the destructive effects of conventional cancer treatment. The plant compounds of ginger provide radio-protective effects to healthy tissue without resulting in additional toxicity concerns to patients.
Gastrointestinal Cancer
One of the most common cancers around the world affects the digestive system and is gastrointestinal cancer. Natural sources of chemotherapeutic agents, such as ginger, have been analyzed more recently as a more cost effective and safer approach at treating this form of cancer.
Primarily affecting the digestive system, ginger serves several more duties in addition to stimulating digestion. The active compounds 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol exhibit anticancer properties against the gastrointestinal tract and can treat a number of infections. Part of this activity is attributed to the ability of these two components to improve signaling molecules that induce inflammation, suppress apoptotic (cell death) activity of cancer cells and stimulate cancer growth.
Other compounds in ginger such as zingerone and paradols provide chemopreventive activity which prevents and slows the progression of tumor growth in the following ways:
- Scavenge free radicals
- Stimulate antioxidant pathways
- Increase affinity of antioxidants to cancer inducing compounds
- Modulate gene expression
- Induce apoptosis of cancer cells
Liver Cancer
Amongst digestive system problems, cancer of the liver is the most common type and also has the highest rate of mortality. Mounting evidence suggests that the dietary components of ginger can prevent and suppress the progression of liver cancer by:
- Inhibiting tumor cell growth
- Suppress metastasis
- Provide protection from carcinogenic agents in the liver
- Support a natural immune response
- Inhibit inflammation
- Enhance chemotherapeutic drugs
Multiple pathways involving cell signaling are influenced by ginger’s active ingredients. Studies show that ginger is capable of reducing proteins associated with the deterioration of healthy cellular components such as the enzyme MMP-9. Furthermore, ginger increases the generation of the protein TIMP-1 responsible for decreasing MMP-9 activity. Ginger extract effectively suppresses inflammation of the liver tissue and provids protection against cancer by promoting a free radical scavenger system known as ROS (reactive oxygen species). This results in increased apoptosis in drug resistance liver cancer cells.
Lung and Cervical Cancer
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSLC) may be most associated with carcinogens found in cigarette smoke but also affects individuals who have never smoked. This form of cancer is not readily treated using conventional chemotherapeutic mechanisms and patients are typically expected to undergo surgery.
Ginger extract has been shown to provide anti-cancer activity against both NSLC and cervical epithelial cancer. A 2010 study reveals that the aqueous extract directly disrupts cancer cell structures. Results of the study show that the polyphenols of ginger have the ability to inhibit cell division of cancer cells and increase gene p53 responsible for suppressing tumors.
Homemade Ginger Ale Recipe
A health tonic produced by Europeans many years ago was a ginger ale believed to offer a wide variety of benefits to treat health ailments. However, ginger ale took on a different meaning at the turn of the 20th century when sugar and artificial flavorings were added to this once healthy beverage. Traditional European ginger ale was a fermented ginger tea. Ginger’s full nutrient properties are activated during the fermentation process and results in a probiotic and enzyme rich digestive tonic.
This de-inflaming recipe utilizes coconut water, which is low in sugar and high in electrolytes. The sugar source found in the coconut water, fructose, provides a beneficial food source for healthy microbes in the gut. The fructose is metabolized to produce organic acids and B vitamins that give this beverage a natural effervescence and unique flavor.
- 2 Tbsp coconut water kefir (as a fermentation starter)
- 1-2 cups coconut water
- 2-4 oz fresh grated ginger or organic ginger powder
- Combine all ingredients together.
- Allow to sit and ferment for 24 hours at room temperature to release the full health potential of this soda alternative.
- After 24 hours, open it up to observe for natural effervescence (carbonation). This is a sign that it is fermented well. It should taste slightly sour. If extremely sour than discard and try again. If it is slightly sour and effervescence is present upon opening, than store in the refrigerator and drink within 3 days.
Inner Eco is a brand of coconut water kefir starter that you can find at many health food stores.
- livingtraditionally.com
- ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24215632
- naturalsociety.com
- greenmedinfo.com
- davidwolfe.com
- cancertutor.com
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