Get Rid of Bingo Wings
When fat accumulated in the arm area, you get a flabby arms or bingo wings. No body like fat arms, but unfortunately many may get them. It might be easier to burn fat from other parts of our body, it is hard to get rid of arm fat. So today we are going to talk about how to get rid of arm fat.
Slow metabolism or not enough exercise cause calories to store in our body as form of fat. Our body will find spots around to store the fat, and if you get it in our arm, you get unattractive flabby arms.
Having a healthy diet, eating smaller meals, doing cardio exercises daily can keep fat to build up in your body. And there are some specific workouts that target getting rid of arm fat too. Watch this video for how to get toned arms.
Remember, this is not a one time deal. To keep good-looking toned arms, you need to keep working on it. Do this three-minute routine every day, you will see results in a couple of weeks.
Related: The 4 Best beginner’s Exercises to do at Home
Whether you call them ‘bingo wings’, ‘bat wings’ or even ‘tuckshop arms’, they all mean the same thing: unattractive arm jiggle. Perhaps you first noticed your ‘wings’ when summer rolled around and you didn’t look quite as fetching as you thought in that sleeveless dress. Or maybe it was when you went outside against a stiff wind and literally felt your skin flapping in the breeze.
Include these great exercises into you workouts once, or for best results twice a week and say goodbye to those bingo wings for good.
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