DIY projects are something we all love to put off…from making it our new year’s resolution every year to get things done, to promising to finally complete that unfinished project at the weekend. Read our list of some of the top 10 essential tools you’ll need to tackle any task this year…
1) Hammer
Building a perfect DIY kit means you need all the essentials. A Hammer will come in handy for almost any job you decide to take on. A budget piece of equipment that no kit is complete without.
2) Adjustable Wrench
Whether you’re a beginner at the DIY game, or it’s a regular hobby of yours – the great thing about getting an adjustable wrench is the flexibility that you can use the tool for more than one thing.
3) Paintbrush
It may not seem like the ‘go to essential tool’ for every DIY project, but its set to save you time in the future when you don’t have to nip out last minute to buy one.
4) Screwdriver
Whatever the scale of your project, a screwdriver is almost a must. Whether you want to splash out on an expensive one, or you want to keep costs down with a cheaper alternative, there’s so many on the market you won’t struggle to source one.
5) Pliers
Again, a great multi-functional tool which is a necessity for the novice right up to the expert. There’s so many different types around, so have a look at your project before investing to make sure you get the right pair.
6) Safety goggles
Safety first…an essential if you’re planning on using electronic power tools. Make sure you don’t forget about these – your eyes will certainly thank you afterwards for remembering.
7) Scissors
It’s the last thing you’d think of adding to your kit but a good pair of sharp scissors will really help you out when you need them the most. Having a separate pair from your everyday ones is a great way of keeping the two apart (and making sure you don’t lose them!).
8) Drills
Potentially one of the most helpful items you could get your hands on. There’s so many different ones about, so have a think about what you really want before splashing out. Take a look at what specialists like SGS have if you’re wanting quality, and something that will last you years.
9) Screws & Nails
No tool kit is ever complete without a collection of screws and nails, be sure to get prepared and have a variety in your kit to avoid having to rush out 10 minutes into your project trying to source some
10) Tape Measure
It seems like an obvious household item, but you’d be surprised at how much you struggle to find one when you need it the most – we suggest popping this in your tool box (and remembering to put it back in afterwards!).
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