Diuretic foods are one of the best solutions for dealing with hypertension and water retention. People who are on a weight-loss regimen often make use of diuretic foods to get rid of unwanted fluids and to lower their body weight. Some people take diuretic pills to get their job done. However, rather than resorting to unwanted medication it is safer to start a diet that includes some special fruits and vegetables that are natural diuretics. Listed below are some of the most effective natural diuretic foods that can assist in lowering high blood pressure and in reducing excess water weight.
1. Lemon
Lemon has innumerable health benefits and it is used for curing a wide range of conditions.
• Lemon juice can help in lowering high blood pressure
• Lemon juice also helps in curing urinary tract infection.
• Lemon juice can be taken with water or it can be mixed with your food.
2. Oats
• Oats has always been a great food for those who are on a weight-loss regimen. However, most of us are unaware about the diuretic properties of oats.
• Yet another popular benefit of eating oats is its ability to lower blood cholesterol.
3. Celery
Celery is a nutritious food that contains lot of water. It helps in hydrating your entire system. If you do not prefer the taste of celery, you can mix it with a smoothie health drink made of fruits and vegetables.
4. Brussels Sprouts
• Brussels sprouts are an excellent source of antioxidants that help the body in fighting with a wide range of disorders.
• Brussels are one of the best low-calorie foods that can help you in reducing weight. If you cannot stand its taste, try to cook it with other foodstuffs.
5. Ginger
• Ginger has several health benefits but you cannot take it as it is. Hence, you can mix it up with your favorite cuisine as an alternative form of spicing.
• Ginger can also be added to tea or water.
• Ginger helps is detoxifying your body
• It also acts as an effective diuretic and helps in flushing out all the excess fluids.
6. Beets
• Beet is a nutritious vegetable that acts as a diuretic
• Beet contains a rare antioxidant known as betalain.
• The best type of beets are the fresh ones that can be boiled, grilled or steamed. Always opt for fresh beets rather than pickled beets.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is full of essential ingredients that have several health benefits.
• It helps in strengthening urinary functions by acting as a strong diuretic that cleanses the urinary system
• It also helps in improving the process of digestion.
• Although apple cider vinegar is used for cooking, if you are looking for a diuretic then it would be better to take it along with water. Note that you only need to take it in small proportions.
8. Cabbage
Cabbage is a highly beneficial vegetable that functions as a diuretic.
• Researchers have proved its effectiveness in preventing cancerous growths
• It also prevents the occurrence of heart disease.
• You can either make it into a soup or have it well cooked before eating.
• Note that, if you are taking cabbage as a diuretic, avoid adding too much of salt.
9. Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is an excellent diuretic food that helps in curing urinary tract infections.
• Cranberry juice contains antioxidants that destroy the free radicals.
• It helps in maintaining a good potassium level.
• For making cranberry juice, select only organic cranberries. Organic cranberries are free from chemicals and inorganic preservatives. Do not opt for processed berries or processed cranberry juice.
10. Eggplant
• Eggplant is a diuretic food that helps in reducing the excess fluids trapped in your body.
• Some people use it as a weight-loss remedy. They boil the eggplant along with water and then consume the water that contains the essence of eggplant.
11. Parsley
Parsley has innumerable health benefits that can help you in improving your overall health.
• Parsley is an excellent diuretic
• It contains a wide range of antioxidants
• You can take parsley as an additive to your foodstuffs and cuisines. The herb has a refreshing effect when mixed with other foods. You can also take water boiled with parsley.
12. Caffeinated Beverages
Caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee acts as a good diuretic. However, these items contain caffeine which is harmful to your body. This makes it a poor choice when it comes to natural diuretic foods.
13. Water
Water helps in flushing out all the retained fluids in your body.
• In case of low water intake your body tries to conserve the water by retaining it in its cells. This causes water retention and swelling. If you are supplying enough water to your body, it will automatically quit the habit of retaining its fluids.
• You can add lemon or ginger to your water in order to increase its diuretic effect.
14. Tomatoes
Tomatoes act as a diuretic when taken in their raw form.
• You can make a salad out of tomatoes or make a drink of it by mixing its juice with that of more delicious items like watermelon or carrot.
• Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a form of antioxidant that helps in preventing cancer as well as heart disease.
15. Cucumber
• Cucumber is a highly hydrating vegetable that contains lots of water.
• Cucumber helps in detoxification of our system.
• It improves the functioning of urinary system
• It helps the body in fighting with diabetes
• It helps in better weight management
• Cucumber is rich in antioxidants and thus helps in preventing cancer.
• It contains lot of minerals that makes us more energetic.
16. Watermelon
• Watermelon is a highly beneficial fruit that contains lot of fluids. It acts as a diuretic and helps the body in eliminating excess liquids and salt.
• It is rich in antioxidants.
• Note that watermelon is quite sweet and too much of it can raise your blood sugar levels.
17. Carrots
• Carrots are highly beneficial for your eyes. They have several health benefits and they also function as a diuretic.
• Different types of carrots are available in the market. Baby carrots are best eaten raw. They are often used for making salads. Regular carrots are usually used for cooking purposes.
• Carrots do not lose their nutrients when they are cooked. Hence, you need not worry about eating them raw.
18. Garlic
• Garlic is an excellent detoxifying agent and they also function as an effective diuretic.
• Garlic comes in pill form; however, if you need to use it as diuretic it would be better to eat real garlic instead of taking its supplements.
• If you are not able to eat raw garlic, you can use it as an additive while cooking.
19. Artichokes
• Artichokes are an excellent form of diuretic that helps in reducing weight.
• They also act as a digestive aid.
• They are full of minerals and vitamins. Taking artichokes can help you to deal with various deficiencies.
20. Asparagus
• Asparagus is a highly nourishing food that also acts as a natural diuretic.
• While taking asparagus, its compounds react with urine and give rise to a typical smell. This is quite natural and there is no harm in it.
• Asparagus is rich in antioxidants and regular consumption of this vegetable can offer several benefits.
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