The endless burning in your chest keeps you up at night. You’ve tried every remedy known to man, from over-the-counter medicines to supposedly miracle teas, and nothing helps. It’s time to face facts: your acid reflux may be caused by the things you eat regularly. Foods naturally high in fat or acid are common culprits of acid reflux, but you’d be surprised to learn how many foods actually fall into these categories. If you’re ready for some relief, you might consider cutting these nine stomach-churning foods from your diet.
You probably already knew that beef is one of the fattiest meats. Unfortunately, enjoying a nice steak can mean more than having to loosen your belt a couple notches. Foods high in fat take a lot longer to digest, which puts a lot of pressure on your stomach and lets acid sneak up where it doesn’t belong. You might want to start barbecuing some lower-fat meats, like chicken, turkey, or even fish, and see if your acid reflux doesn’t quiet down. Of course, if you just can’t let go of red meat, you can try leaner cuts, such as top sirloin.
Most people can’t start their day without at least a cup or two of some nice hot coffee, but taking in a lot of caffeine is a great way to give yourself some terrible acid reflux. Because it relaxes your esophagus, caffeine can send acid creeping up your throat and causing major pain. You don’t have to give up your Joe, though. If you drink a small amount of coffee in the morning and stay away for the rest of the day, you’ll probably end up feeling better. Of course, even decaf coffee can cause acid problems, depending on what you put in it.
Cream and milk are naturally high in fat and can give your stomach a hard time, so you might want to go easy on the flavored creamers when you’re making your morning coffee. However, dairy products are prevalent and can pop up in other foods you might not expect, turning your acid reflux up to uncomfortable levels. Butter and cheeses are especially good at creating acid reflux because they are so high in fat. The good news is that cutting back on these types of foods will do more than just heal your upset stomach–you might even shed a couple of pounds embracing a healthier diet.
We all know that most alcohol isn’t good for you, so we don’t drink it expecting anything good to happen. Unfortunately, enjoying a few beers with dinner might cause more than a next-morning headache. Like caffeine, alcohol relaxes your stomach and esophagus and inspires the creation and movement of acid. If you really don’t want to give up your nightly glass of red wine, you might want to try eating a smaller meal, which will put a little less strain on your belly and keep the acid levels to a minimum.
Whether you think they’re fruits or vegetables, tomatoes are found in tons of foods. They are also naturally high in acid, which does exactly what you think to your stomach and chest. From pasta sauces and soups to ketchup, it’s just about impossible to avoid tomatoes and their high levels of acid. If you love covering your dinner with healthy squirts of the red sauce, you might want to buy esomeprazole online and let the medicine counteract the tomato’s painful side effects.
Many people like to drink mint tea to settle a sour stomach, but it’s this exact effect that can cause some massive heartburn. As the mint relaxes your stomach, it allows the acid to roam wherever it wants. If it sounds like an unfair trade-off, you’re probably right. To soothe a rumbly tummy without the awful acid side-effects, exchange your mint tea for something with ginger. Ginger is often used to treat nausea, but decreases the likelihood of acid reflux.
Fried Foods
This one is probably a no-brainer. You know fried foods aren’t the best thing for your stomach, so blaming french fries and crispy fried chicken for your heartburn makes perfect sense. Anything cooked in a large amount of oil can’t help but keep some of that grease, which, of course, is very high in fat. By now you know that high-fat foods put a lot of strain on your stomach and cause acid reflux out the wazoo. Try cooking with low-fat vegetable spray and use herbs and spices instead of butter or oil. Cutting back on fried foods is all-around good for you, so you’re sure to see more positive outcomes than just ditching the heartburn.
Sometimes you just can’t win. Healthy citrus fruits are full of Vitamin C, but they are also notorious for their high levels of acidity. Oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits are ripe with acid and could definitely give you some unwanted pain. You can enjoy your orange juice in the morning to keep it from causing acid problems throughout the day, but you might want to consider switching to other fruits, such as melons or bananas, which are just about acid free and can be enjoyed all day long.
Junk Food
Why is it that the tastiest things cause the most health problems? First beef and coffee, now sugary sodas and candies. You know that the caffeine found in soda can create acid reflux, but even caffeine-free sodas might set your throat on fire because of the carbonation. If you can’t help but sate your sweet tooth with high-fat, high-caffeine chocolate or candies loaded with sugar, it’s no wonder you suffer from heartburn. Consider finding better-for-you sugars in low-acid fruits and juices. You can even offset the bad effects of your candy cravings by exercising, which can decrease acid-reflux as well as help you stay fit.
There are so many factors that can cause heartburn, but fortunately many of them are within your control. Changing up your diet, focusing on healthier foods, and even exercising a little can work wonders for your acid reflux. Of course, you should always consult a doctor if you suffer from this common ailment, but doing a little research and making minor changes might go a long way.
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