Did you know that the way you normally look at your smartphone is roughly the equivalent of placing an extra ten pounds of pressure on your neck? As we continue to live increasingly unhealthy lives according to the demands of our work or suffer the unintended consequences of technology we need to be extra careful of the positions we put our bodies through.
Long-term damage caused by unhealthy postures can be particularly scary; especially as we grow older. Because they can severely limit the quality of our lives and diminish the joy we get from being with our loved ones. Chief among them is the poor circulation of fluids you get from not sitting with your back straight. This is caused by unnatural compression in parts of your spine.
This usually culminates with the occasional pain that might shoot up your spine, neck, and shoulders.
If left untreated, bad posture can eventually lead up to having chronic back and neck pain. This is especially dangerous because it ultimately hinders your ability to move and gradually gets worse because you can’t move easily.
Unfortunately, traditional modern medicine only seems to offer pain medication (with their own complicated side-effects and risk of addiction) or life-threatening surgeries that can cause more harm than good.
Fortunately there are still ways to treat this health complication naturally without exposing yourself to the dangers of pain medication and surgery. If you’re suffering acute episodes of lower back pain, here are some simple, yet efficient, lower back pain relief exercises.
Here’s how to naturally bring relief to a stiff neck:
Ideally, your neck is supposed to rest easily at your spinal column’s center of gravity. It is supposed to be perfectly aligned with your spine. If you’re constantly in an incorrect posture, you’ll notice that your neck might be positioned slightly forward. This is called the “chicken neck” effect.
Don’t panic! There are some exercises that can help correct this issue.
However, if you are in pain, before you even attempt one of these exercises, please consult your family doctor to establish your own safety limits.
1. Indecisive
Also known as “Yes, No, Maybe”. As you’ve might’ve guessed it consists in slowly moving your head to signal “yes” (up and down), “no” (rotate left and right), and “maybe” (incline left and right).
As you’re doing this, try to slowly move to each extreme as much as you can without feeling any pain. Stop the instant you feel pain. By doing these stretches in the morning you’ll be able to gradually correct some of the damage caused by bad postures.
2. Head Rolls
The best place to this is under a nice hot shower because it’ll help your muscles relax. Slowly rotate your head clockwise as if you were following a bee. Repeat about five times. Then slowly rotate counter clockwise for about five times as well.
Like any other muscle, your neck needs to regularly have stretches so it can survive the atrophy caused by unhealthy habits.
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