How To Make Your Cardio Workouts More Fun
Hate doing cardio? Do you find yourself finding creative ways to avoid your cardio workouts every day? For those of us who work out on a daily basis, cardio training can become sort of a boring chore.
I find that running on a treadmill or mindlessly walking up steps for hours on end really gets on my nerves. It feels boring and repetitive and like a waste of time that could be better spent doing other things (like, not doing cardio).
At the same time, I also understand the benefit of cardio workouts, and since I want a strong and healthy heart (as well as an effective way to burn extra Calories in my off days), I make sure to get at least 20-45 minutes of cardio on my non weight-training days.
If you want to lose fat and burn off those extra calories, yet don’t find doing cardio to be a very attractive activity, here are a few things you can do to spice it up a bit:
Listen to your favorite music or audio books while working out. Feed your mind as you work out your body. 20 to 60 minutes of cardio can definitely add up. Just finishing that scene in that book can even be motivating enough to keep you working out for an extra 10 minutes (it’s happened to me).
Schedule your cardio work-outs around your favorite TV shows. I’m assuming your equipment has built-in television (every gym I’ve been to has had some version of this). So far, my rule is, “no TV unless I’m doing cardio.”
Use a continuous read-out heart-rate monitor. Checking whether you’re meeting your desired heart rate can make time go more quickly (it can also lead to a better cardio workout).
Cycle between machines from work out to work out. Not only does it spice things up, but it also prevents overuse injuries.
Cycle between machines within your workout. If you’re going to spend an hour doing cardio, you’re better off splitting that workout between two machines, aka, 30 minutes on the Stepper, 30 minutes on the Treadmill.
Use other ways of doing Cardio than the norm. Whether it’s going to a group class, circuit training, or doing Tabatas ‘till you drop, you don’t need to be on a piece of cardio equipment to get a great cardio workout. Experiment with your options and see which ones you like best.
If you don’t like to do cardio, yet understand the benefits of it, you don’t have to resign yourself to boredom. You’d be surprised of the effect that doing one of the things above can have on your cardio workouts.
What other ways have you found to make your cardio workouts more interesting?
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