Most parents would agree, the safety and happiness of their child is the most important thing in their lives. Although we can sometimes get mad when they jump on our precious leather sofa, spill on a brand new carpet that cost thousands, or best of all draw Crayon stick figures on lovely white walls, we still love them. Guarding and watching children is an innate instinct of parents who are protectors by nature.
The backyard patio presents several risks that are should be noted; some apparent while others are often overlooked. All of the thoughts and scenarios that can run through a worried mothers mind are enough to turn your hair gray! If it’s not slipping and falling, it’s reminding them to use enough sunscreen! We would like to show you How to Make Your Backyard Child Proof and rest-assured that you have created a kid-friendly backyard environment for them to run, play, and expend all of their energy!
Playground Toys!
The Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that 51,000 Emergency Room visits are the result of injuries that occur at home around playground equipment each year. An unsettling fact that may make you reconsider what types of toys you provide for your little ones. When purchasing a home playground set, it is pertinent that you do your due diligence to make sure that the product you are purchasing is safe and durable.
Dad, we know that it may hurt your ego but it’s okay to follow the manufacturer’s instruction manual. In fact, we advise that you do so in order to avoid skipping steps that you may not realize were there for a very important reason! Be sure to avoid any playground sets that use pressure-treated wood. Although, it has become seen less frequently since 2004, some manufacturers continue to incorporate this cancer-causing wood that can expose your children to serious adverse health conditions.
Trampolines have always be a popular past time and we’ll be the first to admit, they’re a great time! Did you know that the American Academy of Pediatrics reported that 98,000 trampoline-related injuries happened in 2009, resulting in over 3,000 hospitalizations? A surprising statistic that lets you know that accidents do happen and you need to take the necessary steps to create safe backyard environment for your kids!
Landscaping and the Natural Environment
Several natural occurrences in nature can pose a danger to your child. We’ve all heard of poison ivy but you should also make an effort to remove any spiky plants like cactus, roses, and hollies. If you do choose to place them in your yard, be sure to position them in a location that is out of reach for your children. Also, remember to put away any chemicals, fertilizers, or other gardening products that could pose a danger. Instead of using toxic pesticides, we recommend trying some of natural repellents.
Keeping your backyard landscape well-maintained will reduce the risk of your kids being scratched or suffering an eye injury. To do this, be sure to trim low-hanging branches and tend to shrubbery in an timely manner. We warn you to take all of the necessary precautions and remain alert while doing so. Just this week, a San Diegan man was stung to death after disturbing a hive of bees while cutting down a tree. Make sure that you probe your backyard space for any wasps, spiders (black widows like to hide in dark places), and snakes.
Teach your kids about the dangers and tell them what to do if they ever encounter any of these insects/animals! Remember, it’s better to teach them these valuable backyard safety lessons before anything bad happens!
Exposed Fire
While this one may be more apparent, it’s important to be mindful of the dangers that a fire can pose to young child who are naive about the dangers of fire. NEVER leave children unattended around a fire pit or grill! It only takes a second for them to trip and fall!
Being aware of weather conditions is also important when planning a backyard bash. Avoid fires during periods of high wind gusts that could create an unsuspecting danger. Last but not least, be sure to extinguish the fire correctly in order to avoid the hazards of smoldering flames. While an adult may know better than to touch coals, young children may think that the coals are no longer hot because they don’t see a big fire anymore. Make sure that you teach your children and monitor their movement carefully!
Eliminate Sharp Edges
Check all of your surroundings for any broken pieces that reveal a sharp edge that could cut or puncture the skin. Some areas to check are fences, furniture, and kids toys. Gardening tools that are used around the yard should also be locked up in a safe place. Damaged furniture may create exposed elements that could harm a child if they rub or slide against these areas unknowingly. Make sure that any outdoor furnishing items in your backyard are durable and resistant to tearing/snapping.
Child Pool Safety
Pool Safety is an issue that is harped on every summer. Yet and still, tragic accidents always happen each year that leave the rest of us shaking our heads in disbelief. In a recent study, the Consumer Product Safety Commission found that children ages 5 years and younger accounted for 75% of all pool and spa submersion deaths. As evident as it may seem, we need to be on guard at all times. Turning your back for just a few seconds is enough time for something terrible to happen!
We’ve all probably heard of the dangers of pool covers that are commonly employed during the winter season. We cannot understate the dangers that pool covers pose if a child (or adult) were to fall in and become entangled. Once this happens, a person is often unable to untangle themselves and is suffocated by the pool cover that flanks them and obstructs breathing.
Instead of using pool covers, consider investing in a pool fence to ensure that small children never use the pool without adult supervision! Be sure to store the key in a safe place that won’t tempt your children to take a dip when mom and dad aren’t home.
Above all we remind you that SUPERvision is the ultimate means of accident prevention. Being there to watch over your children is vital! Become more involved with your children and make backyard activities fun and interesting! This extra time spent with your children will encourage a deeper bond that is irreplaceable! After all, your children will only be young for so many years.
Instead of thinking of it as “Oh boy, a whole 18 years until they’re out of the nest,” count the number of summers you have left with them! 10 years old? That means that you only have 8 more precious summer months to enjoy the company and laughter of your child!
Other tips we can suggest are to educate your children! Have a first aid kit handy and learn how to administer CPR. This can be a life-saver during emergency situations! Also remind your children to wash their hands whenever they come in from playing outside. Healthy hygiene is important to avoiding the spread of germs and disease!
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