How to Make a Bird Feeder
Bird feeders are really simple to make, which means they’re a quick and fun project to do with children of all ages. We’ve got a couple of different designs for you to try at home, like these heart-shaped ones or our toilet-roll bird feeders, they’re both fun and easy to make and will hardly cost a penny.
Customise them any way you like with different string or pretty ribbons, or try using other shapes, like stars or triangles. However you choose to design your bird feeders you can be sure of one thing, the birds will love them!
Little ones will love watching the birds tucking into their latest craft project and it’s a great opportunity to help children learn a bit more about our native wildlife. Providing extra food for them will mean they’re more likely to keep coming back to your garden.
We love these as an easy and fun party project as they’re inexpensive to make with lots of children. They’ll be able to do most of the steps themselves, which might mean a lot of mess for you but all your mini party guests are sure to go home happy!
Easy bird feeder craft
You will need:
- Lard
- Mixed bird seed
- Heart-shaped cookie cutter
- Ribbon
Step 1
Gently melt 100g of lard in a saucepan. Add 250g of bird seed, ensuring all the seeds are coated in the fat.
Step 2
Place the cookie cutter on a tray or fat plate, fll it with the seed mixture and press down with the back of a spoon so it’s really packed in tightly.
Step 3
Use a skewer to make a hole through the heart – as shown in the picture. Put in the fridge and leave to set overnight.
Step 4
Ease the heart out of the cutter, thread with ribbon and hang (nice and high!) in a tree.
Once you’ve shaped your feeders make sure you leave them to dry thoroughly to avoid them cracking and crumbling when you try to hang them up. Pick a tree near to your window so that you can see your bird visitors up close when they visit.
Toilet-roll bird feeders
Follow our easy steps to creating these toilet-roll bird feeders…
You will need:
- Peanut butter
- Mixed bird seed
Step 1
Cover the outside of your toilet roll with peanut butter.
Step 2
Spread the birdseed out on a flat surface and roll the tube through it’s completely covered, then pat down to make sure the seed is firmly stuck in place.
Step 3
Loop your feeder over a branch of a tree in the garden.
Now find a quiet place to sit and watch as the birds fly in!
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