Summer is a time that most of us love …
except when it comes to makeup and beauty.
Foundation just seems to slide off your face, hair becomes impossible to style, and frankly we just can’t be bothered with spending too much time on our appearance, so you can see why summer beauty tips are necessary. Still, you don’t have to look a mess! Here are some summer beauty tips to save you time, effort and frustration!
1. Summer Tip: Keep it simple
One of the best summer beauty tips is to keep your makeup light. When the heat is on, none of us want a face full of heavy cosmetics that constantly need reapplying. A light base or tinted moisturiser, mascara and lip gloss is pretty much all you need to look great.
2. Dye your eyelashes
Waterproof mascara is naturally a must if you want to swim and also avoids the risk of smudges. Dying your lashes is the perfect summer alternative as it helps simplify your beauty routine – one application and your lashes will look lush for around 6 weeks. This is especially useful for vacations – one less thing to pack in your case!
3. Sun protection
Sun protection is one of my top summer beauty tips. Sunburn is NOT a good look, and in the long term too much exposure to the sun will lead to premature aging. So use an appropriately high sun cream, limit your time in the sun, wear a hat and sunglasses and stay in the shade during the hottest part of the day.
4. Wax
Now here’s a beauty tip that concerns many of us (unless you’re one of those lucky girls with very fair body hair or very little). In a season where legs and arms are frequently on show, what girl wants to be constantly defuzzing? So waxing is a fuss-free way of staying fuzz-free. The only problem is waiting for enough regrowth to wax again!
5. Easy hair
When it’s hot, do you always end up putting your hair in a ponytail or bun? A shorter style is a really one of the most practical summer beauty tips you’ll come across. Long hair can feel terribly sweaty and uncomfortable, plus may look lank and lifeless. Shorter hair is much more comfortable.
6. Keep hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is a great beauty tip at any time of year, but it’s especially important in the summer heat. Your skin will look so much better if it’s kept hydrated. This will help avoid the red-faced, sweaty look, which isn’t really that flattering!
7. Fake tan
Some summer beauty tips aid in beauty and your health. If you want a bronzed look, then it hardly needs saying that fake tan is so much better than lying out in the sun! Don’t forget that it won’t protect you against the sun. Also remember to exfoliate before applying, and never rush. It’s best to apply a day or two before a big event
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