Tips for a Stress Free Dog Bath
Can you smell that your dog is close even before they bark or enter the room? If so, then it is probably time to take the plunge and give him or her a bath. Most people do not look forward to giving their dog a bath at all and, as a result, put it off for far too long.
With that said, let’s go over a few things you can do to make bath time for your dog more tolerable and maybe even enjoyable. With a little persistence and practice you won’t end up being the one getting most of the bath!
Top tips for an easy dogie bath time
The first thing you should do is get in touch with your veterinarian. Each dog breed requires different shampoos and some require baths more often than others. If your dog spends much of his/her time playing outside then they will likely need to be bathed more often. Make sure you bring this up to your vet. For example, poodles need baths more often than German shepherds. If your dog has a smooth coat then they probably don’t need baths as often as other breeds.
Over-bathing your dog can do more harm than it does good. So a once a week bath would not be such a wise choice. Doing so will remove essential oils from your dog’s coat and he or she will end up with dry skin. Grooming your dog can help to reduce the number of baths they need each year. It will also help to keep them looking nice and fresh.
Before you start the bath make sure that everything is already in place. Preferably, do not do this in front of your dog because it will only add to their anxiety.
Here are some of the things you should have on hand
Vet recommended pet shampoo, soft brush (for the toes and nails), mineral oil, brush, cotton balls, comb, washcloth/sponge, bathing tether (such as a leash) and make sure that you give them a bath in a warm area that is free from drafts.
Additional tips for stress free Dog Bath
If it is cold outside then you should never give him or her a bath out there. This is especially important if they are a puppy. They are already at odds for keeping their body temperature regulated. Do not give a puppy a bath until they are at least 4 weeks old.
Before you start the bath make sure that all the mats are combed out. If you do not do this the water will turn them into solid clumps and make things more difficult later on.
Spray your dog lightly because a lot of water pressure can be scary for them. After they are soaked work the shampoo into the coat for about 10 minutes. Make sure that you keep it away from the face and mouth.
Rinse completely two times and make sure the water freely runs out of the tub. You don’t want to leave any shampoo on them because it can lead to an allergic reaction.
Taking proper care of your dog’s skin and coat
Being an organ of the body, the skin should not be seen in isolation. In fact, skin health and vitality is best achieved by pursuing systemic health. Following a healthy diet and exercise routine helps to support the body as a whole and can have excellent results on skin health if adhered to regularly.
Remember that anything that affects your pet’s liver will definitely also affect the appearance of the skin and coat, as the liver and skin are closely linked.
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