5 Tricks to Make Your Roses Bloom
Are you throwing a party but having difficulty with decorations? Last minute flowers are a good idea, but a major problem is that they don’t have time to open up fully and show their bright colors. Here are some quick and easy tricks to get your flowers to open up quickly and liven up the whole room!
Warm Water
Fill the vase with water that’s warm. It should be about the same temperature you would use to take a bath. If it’s steaming, that’s fine. The steam and the warm water help the petals uncurl and open up.
Fresh Cut
The amount of water your roses get makes a big deal on how quickly the bulbs bloom. Cut the bottom of the stem at a sharp 45 degree angle. This will allow the most surface area to absorb the maximum amount of water. Fill the vase up as much as possible so the rose can soak it all up.
Remove Petals
In order for the petals to get as much nutrients as possible, you may need to do some pruning. Don’t be afraid to remove the guard petals (the petals on the outside of the flower) and any other petals that are damaged. This will give the rest of the flower more energy to uncurl and bloom.
Blow Dryer
If you’re really in a pinch, attach a diffuser to your hair dryer, set the heat to low, and blow it on your roses. The heat will trick the roses into thinking they’re opening up for the sun, thus making them bloom quickly! Make sure you don’t do this for too long, however, because the heat can make the petals wilt.
If you have a few hours, then quicken the roses’ blooming by putting them in direct sunlight. The flowers will open up naturally, which is always better for the plant. Rotate the vase every hour or so, so the whole plant gets sunlight!
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