Flowers are one of the most beautiful gifts that we got from nature. There are more than 270000 types of flowers are in the world. Some flowers only bloom in specific seasons or even after decades. The flowers that are endemic to remote parts of the world also remain undiscovered. Here the list of 10 rarest flowers in the world.
10. Kadupul flower

Rarity and beauty are the main features that make kodupul flower so special. This rare flower mainly found in forests of Sri Lanka. Only a few people got chance to feel the beauty of kodupul flowers. It is because they bloom only at mid night and perish before the dawn.
Kodupul flower bloom only under very specific circumstances. It is a very pleasant smelling flower. It is also one of most expensive flowers because of it’s shorter life span. Until now, no botanist could give correct explanation about the sudden death of kodupul flower.
9. Campion

Campion or silene tomentosa only found in the British territory named Gibraltar. Campion is a weak fragrant, evening blooming flower with shorter life span. Interestingly, in 1992 the botanical section of Gibraltar officially declared that there are no elements of campion flowers left and this species became extinct. But after two years in 1994 a climber at cliffs of Gibraltar found that the Campion flowers still exist in inhospitable environments. Today Campion flowers are only found in botanical gardens of Gibraltar and London but very few in numbers.
8. Ghost Orchid

Ghost orchid is a rare, spider web like flower that found in Cuba and Florida. It seems very difficult to cultivate this flower apart from its natural environment. It need high temperature and high humidity. Thus, ghost orchid is one of the rarest flowers in the world. Not just rarity, there is also an another thing that make ghost orchid a special plant. It has no leaves. The stem and flowers appear in green color. So it is difficult to spot them.
With the absence of leaves, ghost orchid can’t make its own food. It linked with another plant for getting sufficient energy. Ghost orchids only bloom for three weeks between April and August. Ghost orchids also produce soap like odor during blooming time.
7. Chocolate Cosmos

Chocolate cosmos are one of the most beautiful and rare flowers native to Mexico. The plant is named after it’s chocolate like odor on blooming. Chocolate cosmos has a deep red or brown color. It commonly blooms at evening in end of summer.
Unfortunately, only a single clone of chocolate cosmos is exist today. As a result of vegetation reproduction that arise 100 years ago. Today, the surviving areas of chocolate cosmos are protected by law.
6. Parrot’s beak

Parrot’s beak is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It is endemic to Canary Islands. This flower is named after is its parrot’s beak like curvature. Parrot’s beak blooms best in the spring season and need cool temperature. The fluctuations in temperature cause death of flower.
Unfortunately, we are about to miss the beautiful parrot beak plant within a short time. Only a few members of this species exist in the world. The disappearance of parrot’s beak flowers started since 1884. The surviving parrot beak plants in Canary Islands are protected by law.
5. Youtan Poluo

Youtan Poluo is one of the most interesting plant in the world. It is said be youtan poluo bloom only once in 3000 years. Acccording to the stories, the blooming of youtan poluo is an indications of reincarnation of Buddha. That why it took long 3000 years for blooming.
Youtan poluo is not at all looking like a flower. It is a very tiny and produce sandal wood like odor. It was Mr. Ding, a farmer of China was one who firstly discovered this amazing plant. Youtan poluo can be seen in China, Korea, Taiwan and in the US in rare times. There are many studies have been under going to find out the secret behind the growth of youtan poloa.
4. Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers

Yellow and purple lady slippers are the rare members of the orchid family located mainly in London and other areas of Europe. The combination of yellow and purple lady slippers is very rare.Almost 3/4th of total flower is yellow lady slipper and the remaining part is in purple color. The rare yellow and purple lady slippers is also one of the expensive flowers in the world. That’s why the yellow and purple lady slipper is protected by law in London.
3. Corpse Flower

The corpse flower is the largest and smelliest flower in the world. This large flower spread a rotten meat like odor on blooming. Corpse flowers can only be found in in low-lying rainforests of Indonesia. Corpse flowers only blooms once in every 30 or 40 years.
The leaf of corpse flower grows up to a height of 20 feet. The outer part of corpse flower is green and inner part is dark red. As it is very rare, the botanical gardens where corpse flower grows mainly Sumatra gardens protected under law.
2. Jade Vine

Jade Vine is a rare flower in the family of pea and bean. It can be only found in the rain forest of Philippines. Jade Vine have claw shaped flowers which can grow up to 3 meters in size. The color of this beautiful flower vary from blue to light green.
As Jade Vines is sometimes pollinated by bats it shows luminous quality at night, will be spectacular view for sure. The natural pollinators and constantly changing environment conditions are which make Jade Vine very rare.
1. Middlemist red

The beautiful middle mist red is the rarest flower in the world. Surprisingly, only two examples are left in the world, in the New Zealand garden and green house garden of United Kingdom. It was John Middlemist, a nursery man who brought this amazing plant from China to the UK in 1804. After that, middlemist flower completely washed out from China and surprisingly get cultivated in the gardens of London. Middlemist looks like rose flower in deep pink color. There are also longtime research undergoing by the botanists in search of plant species that related to middlemist red.
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I am from ilocos norte philippines.in our garden we have the kadupul flower and it is really a rare plant..i think we are just the only one who have it in our area.it blooms in the middle of the night and once only and it smells very very nice.usuallu blooms in june or july or when the season is cool and we also have the corpse flower in our forest and blooms in rainy season.it really smells very bad as what you think as in..i have a photo od kadupul taken last july..