100 Simple Nutrition Tips
Good nutrition is one of the most important factors for good health. You can dramatically improve your health by doing simple adjustments to your eating habits.
You’ll notice a big difference in your energy levels if you regularly eat foods that have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low- or non-fat dairy.
There is no doubt that eating well can maximize our life experience.
So, let me share with you 100 simple nutrition tips to help you improve your health and vitality:
- Don’t substitute fruit juices for whole fruits.
- Eat whole, fresh, unprocessed foods.
- When buying packaged foods, read the nutrition labels carefully.
- Never cut any food group out of your diet including carbohydrates.
- Don’t eat too much or until you’re stuffed.
- Eat something every four hours.
- Don’t take more than one all-purpose multivitamin daily.
- Exercise is important to burn your food efficiently.
- Before following a nutrition plan, check the credentials of the creator.
- Keep track of your food intake to know which food group you need to eat more or less from.
- Eat a variety of foods.
- Take the skin off before eating chicken.
- Eat fish at least once a week.
- Cut back on margarine.
- When eating outside, watch out for large portion sizes.
- Desserts should be kept to minimum.
- Use extra virgin olive oil for salads or whenever suitable.
- Buy low fat versions of dairy products.
- Eat oily fish like salmon or sardine at least twice a week (rich in Omega-3)
- Never smoke after eating.
- Don’t eat fruits immediately after meal.
- Replace tea with green tea.
- Don’t sleep immediately after eating.
- Apples protect your heart.
- Bananas strengthen bones.
- Broccoli combats cancer.
- Carrots save eyesight.
- Fish boosts memory.
- Garlic kills bacteria.
- Honey increases energy.
- Lemons smoothen skin.
- Mushrooms control blood pressure.
- Oranges support immune systems.
- Rice conquers kidney stones.
- Strawberries calm stress.
- Tomatoes protect prostate.
- Walnuts lift mood.
- Yogurt protects against ulcers and helps us digest food better.
- Eat breakfast.
- Enjoy soups often.
- Make a fruit salad at least once a week.
- Keep a variety of raw vegetables ready in the fridge for quick snacks.
- Include one dark green and one orange vegetable on your plate every day.
- Make at least half of your carbohydrate foods whole grain each day (e.g. brown rice).
- Take a vitamin D supplement daily (the dose should be according to your age).
- Replace salt with lemon, herbs and spices to flavor foods.
- Eat a variety of fibre-rich foods everyday including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
- Minimize your caffeine intake.
- Purchase leaner meat cuts more often.
- Eggs, beans, peas and lentils provide a good source of protein and fibre (also are good meat alternatives for vegetarians).
- When eating out, choose healthier choices.
- Substitute whole wheat flour for white flour.
- Keep the skin and peels on fruits and vegetable if possible.
- Replace fried food with steamed, baked or broiled food.
- Slow down when you eat.
- Buy organic products whenever possible.
- Plan healthy menus as a family.
- Home-cooked meals always win over eating out.
- Enjoy preparing meals as a family. It’s a lot of fun.
- Mustard can be consumed guilt free.
- Use peanut butter and avocado as healthy fat sources.
- Eat cabbage to boost cancer-fighting enzymes.
- Eat lettuce if you have a sleep problem.
- Dark chocolate is packed with healthy nutrients. Moreover, it improves mood and pleasure.
- Ginger is called “the universal medicine”
- Onion is believed to clean the blood among many other health benefits. It is also one of the cheapest vegetables.
- Use chocolate covered bananas as a healthy dessert.
- The liver can make more enzymes out of fresh lemon juice than any other food element.
- Whole oats are famously fiber, minerals, and vitamins rich.
- Frozen vegetables retain almost all of their nutritional value.
- Asian food is considered among the healthiest in the world.
- To make any meal ultra nutritious, just add sea vegetables (can be found in Asian markets)
- Fasting is one of the oldest therapies in medicine.
- Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense foods available that improve brain function.
- Eggs aid in concentration and improves memory.
- An orange a day keeps the doctor away!
- Wait 20 to 30 minutes to have a second helping.
- Swap soda for water.
- Pack healthy snacks.
- Select foods that have minimal saturated fats.
- Avoid foods that contain more than 10 ingredients.
- Avoid foods that contain man-made ingredients.
- 3,500 calories = 1 pound of body weight
- Spice your meals up.
- Split your meal with a friend.
- Avoid open buffets.
- Eat your favorite foods – even if unhealthy – every now and then.
- Don’t shop when you’re hungry.
- Don’t put serving bowls on the table.
- Protein bars make a good snack.
- Research healthy restaurants.
- Start each lunch/dinner with salad.
- Drinking a glass of ice water can burn 25 calories!
- Don’t leave yourself dehydrated. Water flushes out fats and toxins.
- The best healthy cuisines are Indian, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican and Greek.
- Buy food in its season (e.g. strawberries in summer).
- Buy from local farmers.
- Veggie broth is a great healthy choice.
- Eat less, enjoy more.
- Make your own instead of buying in jars.
- One of the best resources that I’ve found on the topic of health and well-being is “8 Weeks To Optimum Health” by Dr. Andrew Weil
- I urge you to get a copy today and start following Dr. Weil’s easy step-by-step plan for optimizing your health.
Do you have more nutrition tips that you can share with us?
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