Despite the fact that there is an incredible amount of fitness information available from magazines to books to videos, internet and more, it seems that more and more people have forgotten about the old good bodyweight workout training and are getting fatter and unhealthier.
Simple Bodyweight Workout for Fat-Burning, Muscle Building and Toning
Bodyweight workout as well as strength training with either free weights or also your own body weight can torch calories and fat for up to 24 hours after your workout is over. Combining strength training with cardiovascular benefits, you maximize the efficiency of your efforts. You get the most rewards with the least amount of time spent exercising.
The following 5 simple bodyweight exercises are great for beginner and advanced fitness levels. When used in a bodyweight circuit training program, they allow you to efficiently burn calories and fat without having to purchase expensive gym memberships or fitness equipment.
Jumping Jacks
You are probably thinking that jumping jacks are very basic and simple. As a part of a bodyweight circuit training program, they use the resistance of your own weight against you, strengthening muscles and elevating your heart rate. They are also an excellent way to warm up, and should usually be placed at the beginning of your circuit.
One of the best upper body exercises you can perform with just your body weight. Just like all the other bodyweight exercises listed here, they can be performed just about anywhere, at any time, and by anyone. They are convenient, and they quickly build lean muscle mass in your upper body. There are also dozens of variations, perfect for all fitness levels.
The best exercises to use in a bodyweight training circuit involves several muscle groups. That is why the squat, with or without additional weight, is often considered the best single total body exercise. You stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and lower your body while bending your knees. Push your hips back and slowly drop until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause, and return to your starting position.
They may sound funny, but burpees are a challenging and efficient calorie burning, strength building, total body exercise. Stand as if you are going to perform squats. Drop down to the lower squat position and at your lowest point, reach your hands out in front of you and place them on the floor. Kick your feet backwards and assume a push-up position. Then quickly return to the squat position, and jump up into the air as high as you can.
Pull-ups, Chin-ups
You will probably need to purchase a pull-up bar for this simple but challenging exercise. Multiple products are available inexpensively and conveniently from Internet retail websites. Pull-ups are performed with the palms of your hands facing away, and chin-ups have your palms facing you. Both are performed the same way. Grab the bar roughly shoulder width apart, and slowly pull up. Hold at the top, then slowly descend.
If your goal is to look lean, fit and sexy while also being strong and feeling great, you can get there following the simple advice in this article. Focus on simple (not easy) bodyweight workout and kettlebell training, and go back to basics with your nutrition. If you do this, you’ll be well on the way to the body you’ve always wanted.
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