The Restricted – Gluten Diet
If you suffer from any of a variety of diseases that are aggravated by gluten sensitivities, you will want to learn all you can about where this nutrient is found. The following “restricted-gluten diet” will help you to steer clear of these agents.
Use only those foods for which the ingredients are completely known. Read labels!
Beverages Allowed: Carbonated beverages, decaffeinated coffee that does not contain cereal products, buttermilk, skim milk, non-citrus fruit juices, tea, vodka, wines, and brandy.
Avoid: Coffee substitutes, coffee, commercial chocolate milk, malted milk, Postum, Ovaltine, ale, beer, and all other alcoholic beverages.
Breads Allowed: Bread products made from arrowroot, corn, gluten-free wheat starch flours, rice, or soybean, and pure buckwheat flour.
Avoid: All bread products made from wheat, rye, oats, or barley. All commercial products and mixes, buckwheat flour mixes, and bread crumbs.
Cereal Allowed: Hot cereals: cornmeals, cream of rice, grits. Ready-to-eat cereals: corn and rice products made with allowed ingredients.
Avoid: All others, including Rice Krispies and Corn flakes.
Meats / Substitutes Allowed: Beef, fish, lamb, pork, poultry, veal, and liver; pure all-meat cold cuts, frankfurters, and sausage; cheese, eggs, and peanut butter; all prepared without the addition of wheat, rye, oats, or barley (2 or more servings daily).
Avoid: Commercially prepared entrees; processed cheese and cheese products containing gluten stabilizers; processed meats with fillers; meat alternatives or protein substitutes that may have gluten stabilizers.
Potatoes / Substitutes Allowed: White and sweet potatoes; grits, hominy, and rice; low-gluten products (as desired).
Avoid: Barley, macaroni, noodles, and spaghetti; any prepared with wheat, rye, or oats.
Soups Allowed: Clear broth. Homemade cream soups (thickened with allowed flours) and vegetable soups made with allowed ingredients.
Avoid: Any containing wheat, rye, oats, or barley; canned soups containing prohibited ingredients.
Sweets Allowed: Pure candies, honey, jams, jellies, marshmallows, sugars, syrups, molasses, and corn syrup.
Avoid: Any containing wheat, rye, oats, or barley.
Condiments Allowed: Salt, pepper, sugar, herbs, and spices.
Desserts Allowed: Homemade custard, gelatin, cornstarch, or tapioca puddings; ice cream and sherbet without gluten stabilizers; water ice. Desserts prepared with allowed flours and starches.
Avoid: Desserts prepared from wheat, rye, oats, or barley; all commercial desserts and mixes; ice cream and sherbet with cereal stabilizers.
Fats Allowed: Butter, cream, margarine, fats, real mayonnaise; commercial salad dressings without gluten stabilizers, shortenings, vegetable oil, and lard.
Avoid: Commercial salad dressings with gluten stabilizers.
Vegetables Allowed: All (as desired, include dark green or yellow daily).
Vegetable Juices to Avoid: Any prepared with wheat, rye, oats, or barley, such as cream sauces and bread crumbs.
Miscellaneous Allowed: Baking powder, baking soda, chocolate, cocoa, coconut, gravies (made with allowed flours and starches), nuts, olives, vinegar, mustard, catsup, and pickles.
Avoid: Any foods containing wheat, rye, oats, or barley.
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