The Ultimate Detox Tool- Discover 3 Powerful Water Detox Methods
“Cast Thyself Into The Enfolding Arms Of The Angel Of Water For She Shall Cast Out From Thee All That Is Unclean And Evil.” – The Dead Sea Scrolls- 3rd century BCE to 640 AD. It constitutes an intrinsic part of our daily life and we couldn’t survive without it. Amongst its countless benefits to our health and our planet, WATER is the ultimate natural detox tool.
The recent Detox Craze has reached phenomenal proportions, with manufacturers frantically marketing products that promise instant cleansing and purification, in an attempt to fulfil -and obviously profit from- such an overwhelming market demand. By highly publicizing their successful detox experiences, stars like Beyonce -amongst others- have contributed in making detox ‘hip’ and ‘trendy’. This and other factors have made detox the health buzzword of the 21st century.
It is now considered a necessary factor in the quest for optimal health, weight loss and well being. Unfortunately, such proliferation, variety and availability of detox aids makes identifying the ideal personal detox program a daunting task. Many cases and articles of ‘detox gone wrong’ are published on the web, reminding the gullible and the unseasoned of the dangers of extreme detox, which clearly could be health-hazardous. The quest for the ideal detox tool or program is on, with a mind-boggling array of products to choose from: Detox supplements, colon cleansing aids, detox foot baths and detox patches… The list is endless!
In our frantic search for the ultimate detox, we’ve overlooked the ideal and most obvious detox aid. A free, natural resource we’re in physical contact with every single day of our life: Water. NOTHING supports the body’s cleansing and elimination capacity like Water; the most ancient and potent natural detox aid ever known to mankind. Whether by drinking it, sweating or bathing in it, water has been used to expel toxins, and restore health since the dawn of humanity.
Drink Plenty of Water We’re all familiar with the dangers of –even minor- dehydration by now. If the body is not sufficiently hydrated, the cells will draw water from the bloodstream, thus pressurizing and burdening the heart. Even mild dehydration prevents the kidneys from effectively purifying the blood. When this happens, some of the kidney’s workload is passed on to the liver and other organs, and may cause them to be severely stressed. Minor health conditions such as constipation, dry and itchy skin, acne, nosebleeds, urinary tract infections, coughs, sneezing, sinus problems and headache may develop as a consequence.
It is no secret that drinking 2 litres of water a day can dramatically improve your health, and the signs will be obvious: Glowing complexion and clear skin, better immunity, better digestion, less aches and pains, weight loss, less cellulite, better concentration and renewed vitality and energy. Most detox regimes recommend flooding the body with purified or filtered water, rather than the bottled kind. Infusing the body with water will immediately stimulate your kidneys, liver and digestive system’s (primary detox organs) functions. It will boost your metabolism, which in turn accelerates toxin and fat elimination. Water fasts are highly praised for cleansing, and are regularly practised by keen detox advocates. However, fasting is not to be taken lightly, and any fast longer than 48 hours should be medically supervised.
Steam and Sweat Baths There is a valid reason why humans have used sweat baths for hygienic and health purposes since the Stone Age. It’s because sweating has proven its effectiveness in flushing out toxins and disease, and maintaining optimal health. The skin is the largest organ in the body and, through the pores, it plays a major role in the detoxifying process alongside the lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver, and the lymphatic and immune systems. The skin produces cool sweat to regulate the body’s elevated temperature.
It also has the ability to transform toxins from lipid-soluble or oil-based, into easier to eliminate, water-soluble form. Sweat carries toxins out of the body and flushes them through the pores. Most cultures around the world have their own versions of the sweat bath, whether it’s the ancient Romans and their Thermar or the traditional Japanese Onsen. The Russian Banya or the native American Indians’ Inipi, without omitting the notorious Turkish bath or Haman. However, the Finnish Sauna, remains the most prominent and popular one of all. Regardless of what it’s called, the sweat bath’s health benefits are infinite, with the primary one being its waste and toxins elimination action through the pores. Other sweat baths benefits include improved circulation, weight and fat loss, skin cleansing and body and mind relaxation.
Detox Bath An equally powerful water detox method is the Detox Bath. Based on an ancestral detox technique created by Louis Kuhne of Leipzig in 1883, (who used it to treat his own cancer and heal thousands of often-serious diseases), the Detox Bath uses ONLY water and can take as little as 10 minutes a day. The Detox Bath’s working principle is to refresh the core area of the body (around the groin and genitals) during 10 minutes daily or longer, depending on your initial condition, and the results you seek to achieve. This process creates a vibration in the fascia (Interconnecting tissue covering all internal organs), which sets in motion a roll-back effect that transports digestion’s leftover fats and deposited toxins back to the intestines, where they are later eliminated.
Why Is The Detox Bath So Powerful? Besides its toxin and fat elimination action, the Detox Bath’s potency resides in the fact that: 1- It works on the groin area, one of the highest nerve-concentration areas in the body, hence its positive effect on mood, sleep and energy. 2- The groin houses main arteries, so the bath greatly improves blood circulation and digestion. 3- It stimulates the root chakra, which governs sexual energy and reproductive organs. It helps regulate the menstrual cycle, and has been used by Louis Kuhne to treat impotence. It is also beneficial for low libido and menopausal symptoms. Practiced regularly, the Detox Bath, (based on Louis Kuhne’s friction sitz bath) supports the body’s elimination capacity, effectively ridding it of toxins and fat. It boosts metabolism and digestion; improves sleep, energy and mood, and promotes clear skin and radiant complexion.
Conclusion Detox is not -and never will be- an instant, magical fix. Detox is an ongoing process, which provides tremendous health benefits, that you can enjoy starting today, by simply using water… A regular practice of a combination of the 3 -almost free- and completely safe water detox methods above is the only detox regime you’ll ever need to effectively eliminate toxins and fat, and enjoy a lifetime of radiant health.
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